Dwelling in Possibility

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Howard Mansfield

240 pp., 6 x 9, Gatefold Paperback


September 2013

Category: Books Tag:


What qualities are missing in our homes? How can we regain them?

The mystery that attracts Howard Mansfield’s attention is that some houses have life—are home, are dwellings, and others aren’t. Dwelling, he says, is an old-fashioned word that we’ve misplaced. When we live heart and soul, we dwell. When we belong to a place, we dwell. Possession, they say, is nine-tenths of the law, but it is also what too many houses and towns lack. We are not possessed by our home places. This lost quality of dwelling—the soul of buildings—haunts most of our houses and our landscape.

Dwelling in Possibility is a search for the ordinary qualities that make some houses a home, and some public places welcoming.

View a sample of Dwelling in Possibility here.


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